Buy Xenical Orlistat: All You Need to Know

Xenical orlistat is a medication used to help people lose weight by reducing the amount of fat absorbed from their meals. It is a prescription-only medication and is available in two forms: a capsule and a tablet. Xenical is an effective weight-loss medication that can help people reach their weight-loss goals. The first step to taking Xenical orlistat is to speak to your doctor or healthcare provider. Your doctor will be able to determine if Xenical is right for you and provide you with the necessary dosage and instructions.

Common Use

Xenical orlistat is used in combination with a reduced-calorie diet and exercise program to help people lose weight. It works by blocking some of the fat from the food you eat, preventing it from being absorbed into your body. The amount of fat blocked depends on the dose of Xenical you are taking and the amount of fat in the meal.

Dosage and Directions

The recommended dose of Xenical is one capsule or tablet three times a day with each meal that contains fat. You should take Xenical no more than an hour before each meal, and you should not take it more than three times a day. If you miss a dose of Xenical, you should skip the missed dose and take the next dose at your regular time. Do not take two doses of Xenical at the same time.


You should not take Xenical if you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 18 years of age. You should also not take Xenical if you have certain medical conditions, such as kidney disease, gallbladder disease, or if you are taking certain medications, such as cyclosporine, warfarin, birth control pills, or certain antibiotics. It is important to talk to your doctor before taking Xenical.


You should not take Xenical if you have certain allergies or medical conditions, such as gallbladder disease, kidney disease, or if you are taking certain medications, such as cyclosporine, warfarin, birth control pills, or certain antibiotics. It is important to talk to your doctor before taking Xenical.

Possible Side Effects

The most common side effects of Xenical include stomach pain, gas and oily spotting, increased number of bowel movements, and changes in your stool. If you experience any of these side effects, contact your doctor or healthcare provider. Other side effects may include dizziness, headache, nausea, and diarrhea.

Drug Interactions

Xenical may interact with certain medications, including cyclosporine, warfarin, birth control pills, or certain antibiotics. It is important to tell your doctor about all medications you are taking before starting Xenical.

Missed Dose

If you miss a dose of Xenical, you should skip the missed dose and take the next dose at your regular time. Do not take two doses of Xenical at the same time.


If you take too much Xenical, contact your doctor or healthcare provider immediately.


Xenical should be stored at room temperature, away from light, heat, and moisture. Do not store in the bathroom. Keep Xenical and all medications out of the reach of children and pets.


The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider before starting any medication or dietary supplement. You should not take Xenical if you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 18 years of age. You should also not take Xenical if you have certain medical conditions, such as kidney disease, gallbladder disease, or if you are taking certain medications, such as cyclosporine, warfarin, birth control pills, or certain antibiotics. It is important to talk to your doctor before taking Xenical.

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